Thursday, June 9, 2011

EVE v1.1.5 (beta) now available in Windows and Mac

The oft-promised release of our v1.1.x for both Windows and Mac is finally here. This one will not be broadcast loudly. Only here and on our private Linked In group. I only plan to put this one in the hands of those core beta testers close enough to know about this link and who already have a copy of a previous rev. For now anyways. Many who have downloaded have not been providing feedback or much value in terms of product observations. With these releases, I'd like to generate more direct feedback from our users seeking to test these new revisions.

Both the Mac and Windows versions have full file associations for all video types supported as well as for JPG still files. You can drag and drop files (multiple at once) or even whole folders of supported file formats directly into the player and they will all open in matrix format.

Here are some of the other recently added features
  • EVE should work even with extremely old video cards or when old drivers are being used
  • Support for more file types and various less used compression codecs
  • Support for live streaming of video from Android phone (this one requires direct interaction with me and a reason to show other than "it's very cool")
  • Search now supports non-ascii file names (i.e. foreign language file search)
  • Uninstalling the app restores file associations to previous state
  • Several glitches when using ATI video cards fixed
  • Non-supported files accidentally opened by app are now ignored
  • Improvements and fixes to several interaction related issues
This time it will be a bit different in distributing the link. You must contact me directly via email, Linked In or the Network Optix site to request the newer version. We're only distributing it to those who are willing to provide us feedback on either the Windows or the Mac version. If that's you, hit me up and I'll send you a link to your new copy. If you don't know my direct contact info, send an email to

Network Optix on LinkedIn is up and screening requests to beta test the new EVE Media Player.

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